Кокосова смути купа с червени плодове - Berry Coconut Smoothie Bowl

Честита Баба Марта!
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С радост и добро да са дните ни огрени!

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* 250 г кокосово кисело мляко
* 1 с.л. псилиум
* 1 с.л. чиа
* 1 ч.л. мака
* 1 с.л. саша инчи протеин

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* малини
* боровинки
* червено цариградско грозде
* червен касис
* цветчета от питая

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  1. La Torontoiseмарт 06, 2020

    Dear Bery, can we replace sasha inchi with something else? Any other protein?
    Please suggest. Sasha inchi is the least investigated. It is not that I doubt its qualities, just I do not have it readily available. Could we use another protein powder? And instead of cocos yogurt, maybe juts organic almond milk (to reduce the caloric and fat number)? Thoughts?
    Thank you so much!!! Greetings from Toronto!!

    1. If you often make keto breads, milk may be better than almond milk. Soy yogurt maybe? Or for example oatmeal. And maybe you can buy almond yogurt? Yogurt has a certain texture and probiotics. For probiotics, you know the benefits. And texture is important to the fruit. If you decide to use oat milk, it is a good idea to increase the amount of husk. It will thicken the milk and the fruit will be able to stand on top. If you keep it.

      Oats are well known for their beneficial effects on the heart and its ability to control cholesterol levels. This is because it contains beta glucans, a type of soluble fiber that has been shown to have potent cholesterol lowering properties. Studies show that the beneficial effect of beta glucans in oats persists even after being processed into drinks like oats

    2. For protein:
      You can replace it with your favorite or just alternate them. I often use pea protein, but I add it to green smoothies or raw soups.

      Sasha Inchi Protein is derived from the seeds of the eponymous plant cultivated for the first time in South America. It is easy to digest as it is rich in fiber.

      Sasha inches are extremely useful for normal brain, bone and joint function. They are called "super foods" because of their high content of essential fatty acids. As one of the richest sources of vegetable omega-3 fatty acids, sachet inches can help balance cortisol levels. When these levels are controlled, food hunger and mood swings decrease. This makes them one of the best foods for weight loss and good mood.

      It also provides us with nutrients that maintain the elasticity of the skin and the silky softness of the hair.

    3. Dear Camus, look what i found - https://www.amazon.com/Sacha-Inchi-Protein-Powder-Organic/dp/B07C3CGK2P


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